Baptism is the first of three sacraments of initiation. Through it your child becomes and adopted son/daughter of God and a member of Catholic Church. Here at the LaSalle-River Canard Catholic Family of Parishes we endeavour to provide a welcoming atmosphere for children and young families. So if your child makes noise during mass it is just their way of praising and thanking God; it is not disruptive at all.
We ask that all families are registered to the parish nearest their home, Sacred Heart, St. Joseph or St. Paul, so that you may raise your child within a supportive faith community. As the primary educator of the faith, having an active role in your parish, by attending mass and volunteering, shows your child your commitment to your faith and the vast importance of it.
Preparation consists of on-line sessions that can be completed at your own pace, a virtual or in-person visit with someone from the Baptism team, and a final session with one of the Pastoral staff where the date will be booked. Baptisms are celebrated during mass, the third Sunday of the month so that the whole community may celebrate this wondrous occasion. It is recommended to contact the office before the birth of your child in order to start the preparation process.
For preparation information, please contact Felipe ([email protected]) for an initial meeting to start the process by filling out the form below.