Family of Parishes Event Proposal: Over the past year, the parish pastoral team and the PPC having been working on the Pastoral Plan for our Family of Parishes. Several Visioning sessions have taken place, which many of you attended. During these sessions, we were able to gain a better understanding of the needs of our parish communities. With the input collected, we heard and then discerned that our focus should be on 3 primary areas: Family, youth and outreach. Teams of volunteers for each of these areas have been formed and some work has begun.
While we have some initiatives in place, we would now like to know how we can further assist you to grow in your faith. If you have an idea for a parish ministry initiative that will help you or others to grow in faith, please click on the link below to complete a proposal form. The proposals will be reviewed once a month starting in September. The parish council and the pastoral team are looking forward to working together with you to meet the needs of our community.